Posts Tagged “green bay Photography”

TONIGHT Friday June 1, 2012 is BAY VIEW GALLERY NIGHT! For a list of local businesses and artist take a look at BVGN web page.

Warm weather and March showers bring April Flowers.

How much money does the state of Wisconsin waste on “I voted” stickers. 94/366

Some people spend money on this haircut. Me, I just don’t own a comb. 92/366

Banana Strawberry Smoothie for breakfast. 1 frozen banana 3 fresh strawberrys 1 cup chocolate soy milk 86/366

The start of our new zombie gnome. The zombie gnome’s are made by Dougfx out of Seattle, WA 81/366

All signs point to me going for a lunch time bike ride today!!! (don’t tell my wife:) 73/366

Time to turn the compost for the first time on the year!!! 72/366